Try to write Essay in English_1

Topic: More needs to be done to improve public safety
I agree more needs to be done to improve public safety.
I would like to explain my opinion in terms of crime and technology.
-Victims of violent crime can suffer from serious trauma, and the psychological effects of this trauma can last for a long time. Violent crime also causes increased tensions in local communities. To reduce such crime, more patrols by police and volunteers are needed, and this will increase people’s feeling of safety.
-The rise (development) of technology also threatens public safety. People can use social media, for example, to bully or stalk other online. Moreover, advances in technology have made it easier for people’s personal information to be stolen. Due to this, more laws are needed to limit how this technology is used.
For these reason, I think public safety should be further improved by reducing violent crime and making laws about new technology.

Topic: More people should become vegetarians in the future
In my opinion, more people should become vegetarians in the future.
They should do so for reasons such as animal rights and health.
-Becoming a vegetarian can play big role in protecting the live of animals. Factories that produce meat products often have bad conditions, and animal kept there are treated poorly. If more people choose not to eat meat, then these factories will be forced to close down and fewer animal would be killed for food.
-A vegetarian lifestyle can also benefit our health. Meat products, especially fast food, contain high amounts of fat, which has been shown to cause heart disease and obesity. On the other hand, by eating more nutritious vegetables, people will get sick less often, resulting in improved health and welfare throughout society.
In conclusion, more people should become vegetarians to help protect the rights of animals and improve their own health.


Posted by masa